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Painting with Frequencies and vibrations

"Painting with Frequencies and vibrations", 2021

Film of coloured sand changing patterns by different frequency sounds and their vibrations. The film is projected towards an acrylic metal painted cotton canvas 160x125 cm, original film length 6,30 min. Bachelor examination show, Marabouparken 2021.

"211-2468 Hz", 2021

Acrylic paint and coloured sand on cotton canvas 200 x125 cm


Photo credit: Jean-Baptise Béranger

"1933 Hz", 2021

Acrylic paint and coloured sand on cotton canvas 210x125 cm


Photo credit: Jean-Baptise Béranger

unknown frequency.jpeg

"   ",2021

Acrylic paint and coloured sand on cotton canvas 210x125 cm

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"212 Hz", 2020

Acrylic paint and coloured sand on cotton canvas 104 x100 cm


Photo credit: Jean-Baptise Béranger

"Tone of  the Universe, 432 Hz", 2022

Chair, vibrations exciter, 432 Hz, amplifier


Photo credit: Kicki Bental

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